La última semana de febrero un grupo de alumnos de 2º y 4º de la ESO realizaron una estancia lingüística en una preciosa ciudad inglesa llamada Winchester, en el sur de Inglaterra. Se alojaron en parejas o grupos de 3 en casas de familias con las que pudieron practicar inglés y compartir momentos como el de Shrove Tuesday, popularmente conocido como Pancake Tuesday. El día antes del miércoles de ceniza, los ingleses cenan pancakes. Su favorito es el de limón y azúcar, y algunos de nuestros chicos se atrevieron a probarlo con sus familias.
Por las mañanas asistieron a clases con profesores nativos en el edificio del ayuntamiento y por la tarde participaron en diversas actividades culturales y lúdicas. A pesar de que el llovió la mayoría de días (excepto el más importante, el de la visita a Londres), los chicos pudieron disfrutar de un idílico entorno inglés, conocieron algunas de las tiendas más populares (entre ellas Poundland, donde puedes comprar casi de todo por una libra) y también tuvieron la oportunidad de comer fish and chips en un tradicional pub. El último día participaron en un concurso de fotografía muy divertido.
Todos lo pasaron genial y, sin duda, nunca olvidarán esta experiencia. Aquí os dejamos las impresiones de algunos alumnos y un álbum de fotos con algunos de los momentos más memorables del viaje.
Noa De Verástegui:
“Last week I was in Winchester, a town in the UK. I visited the cathedral, the round table and a lot of places. I went with my classmates and my English teacher Gloria.
The Winchester Cathedra is the most beautiful cathedral I have ever seen! It is the largest of all Europe (you can imagine it!). I can’t describe it, you must go to visit it!
We also went to London. We visited the British Museum (it was amazing!), the London Eye, Trafalgar Square, Buckingham Palace and other places.
I can describe this trip in three words: funny, interesting and amazing!
If you can, do this trip next year, it will change your life!”
Javier Carrillo:
“Last week I was in another country. I went to England. The weather was very different to Spain. I went to live with a family for a week to learn English. Every day we went to do a trip. On Tuesday we visited the catedral, on Wednesday we went to see the round table, on Thursday we went to London, it’s very big and beautiful. On Friday he took part in a photo contest. On Saturday we went to a shopping centre in Southampton and on Sunday we said goodbye to our families and we returned to Spain.”
Luis Miguel García:
“At the beginning of this month I travelled to Winchester with some of my schoolmates and my English teacher. We stayed there for a week. It was a great opportinuty for us to practise English as we were in houses of English families. We could also learn aobut their customs and culture.
In the morning we went to class where we did activities and in the afternoon we visited many interesting palces like the Winchester Cathedral and the Winchester Castle. On Thursday we spend the day in London. There we could see, for example, the Big Ben, the London Eye, the Buckingham Palace and the Trafalgar Square. On Sunday we tool a flight back home. It was a wonderful and unforgettable experience for me.”
Marina Egido:
“Last week I went to Winchester (England). I lived in a family with my friend Alejandra. They were very nice and very friendly. The mum’s name is Caroline, the dad’s name is Anthony and the son is Josh. We travelled by plane. We visited London, Winchester and Southampton. The monitors were very nice and the teacher, Gloria, too.
I really liked the food there. We visited many shops and museums. I had an amazing experience that I will never forget!